
Classics Major

古典文学专业包括九门课程,集中在三个可能的领域:古典研究, ancient mediterranean archaeology, and classical languages and literatures. 古典学系教授的课程由四个不同的类别指定:ARCH, CLAS, GRK, and LATN. Any course designated by one of these rubrics, including First-Year Writing Seminars, 在下列主要要求中被视为“系内课程”.

Classical Studies Concentration

Select at least one departmental course at the 1000 level 1
Select at least three departmental courses at the 2000 level 3
Select at least two departmental courses at the 3000 level 2
Select at least three courses at any level a3

Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology Concentration

选择至少两门考古学(ARCH)课程达到1000级 2
Select at least one archaeology (ARCH) course at the 3000 level1
Select at least three departmental courses at any level b3

Classical Languages and Literatures Concentration

Select at least three departmental courses at any level c3

Classics Minor

The classics minor consists of five courses, with concentrations in five possible areas: Greek, Latin, classical languages and literatures, ancient Mediterranean archaeology, and classical studies. 古典学系教授的课程由四个不同的类别指定:ARCH, CLAS, GRK, and LATN. Any course designated by one of these rubrics, including First-Year Writing Seminars, 在以下辅修要求中,被视为“系内课程”.


Select at least four Green (GRK) courses at any level4
Select at least one departmental course at any level d1


Select at least four Latin (LATN) courses at any level4
Select at least one departmental course at any level d1


在任何级别选择至少四门希腊语(GRK)和/或拉丁语(LATN)课程 4

Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology

Select at least one archaeology (ARCH) course at the 1000 level1
Select at least one archaeology course at the 2000 level1
Select at least one archaeology course at the 3000 level1
Select at least two departmental courses at any level d2

Classical Studies

Select at least two departmental courses at the 2000 level2
Select at least one departmental course at the 3000 level1
Select at least two departmental courses at any level d2
Interdisciplinary Major

该系参与了考古学和艺术史的跨学科项目. See the Interdisciplinary Majors.

Additional Information and Department Policies

  • 计入系所开设课程的课程必须以常规字母成绩(不是学分/D/不及格)参加。, and students must earn grades of C- or better in these courses.
  • 一年级的写作研讨会可计入主修课和辅修课.
  • Normally, 独立研究和荣誉项目只有在部门事先批准的情况下才算主要或次要.
  • 主修和副修课程可以与其他部门或项目重复计算一门课程. 

Classics and Archaeology at Bowdoin and Abroad

考古班定期使用优秀的古代艺术品收藏 Bowdoin College Museum of Art. 特别值得注意的是希腊彩陶的收藏,以及对希腊和罗马硬币的非常全面和持续的调查. 此外,还有很多出国学习或工作的机会.

买球平台是罗马校际古典研究中心的参与成员, 古典文学专业的学生在大三的时候可以在哪里学习. 实地挖掘经验也有可能获得课程学分. 有兴趣的学生应向系里的成员咨询更多信息. Students can count up to four courses taken abroad toward the major; up to three in one semester, or four from a full year abroad. Students can count up to two courses taken abroad toward the minor; one per semester spent abroad. 学生必须事先咨询院系教师,以确定课程资格.

想要在研究生阶段学习古典文学或古典考古学的学生被建议在大学里至少学习一门现代语言, 因为大多数研究生课程都要求学生具备法语、德语、拉丁语和希腊语的能力.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate (AP/IB)

在拉丁语AP考试中获得最低四分的学生,如果他们参加了3000分的拉丁语课程并获得最低B-的成绩,就有资格获得学位的一般学分. 无论AP成绩如何,学生都应该完成分班问卷. No major or minor credit is given. In order to receive credit for advanced placement work, 学生必须在买球平台大学二年级结束前将他们的成绩正式报告给注册办公室. 参加拉丁IB考试的学生应该向部门咨询学分.

Information for Incoming Students

古典学是在古代地中海和古代近东更广泛的背景下对古希腊和罗马世界的研究. Our discipline combines the study of art history, archaeology, history, literature, philosophy, and the languages of Greek and Latin. 我们的学生使用这些多种视角,以便更好地理解和更好地想象生活在我们之前数千年的民族的多样性, to reflect on what this past has meant to later ages, 并更多地了解它如何在今天继续塑造我们自己的思想.

请注意,本系还为大一新生开设了许多考古学和古典文学课程, and have spaces set aside especially for first-year students. These classes do not require any knowledge of Latin or Greek, nor do they require any prior study of the Classical World. For fall 2024, this includes a first year writing seminar, CLAS 1017 The Heroic Age: Ancient Supermen and Wonder Women, ARCH 1103 Egyptian Archaeology, CLAS 2103 Then and Now: The Erasure of Indigenous Voices, CLAS 2736 Ancient Greek Medicine, CLAS 2787 Thucydides and the Invention of Political Theory, and CLAS 3310 Imagining Rome.

Students interested in beginning Latin should enroll in LATN 1101 Elementary Latin I which is offered in the fall. Students interested in beginning Greek should enroll in GRK 1101 Elementary Greek I, which is offered in the spring. 因为语言学习的顺序性和系里课程的模式, students should plan on taking both semesters of Latin over one academic year; students interested in the elementary Greek sequence should plan to take GRK 1101 Elementary Greek I in the spring and GRK 1102 Elementary Greek II the following fall.

Students who have studied Latin or Greek in high school, 以及对在买球平台学习拉丁语或希腊语感兴趣的学生, 是否应在入学前的夏季完成黑板上的拉丁语或希腊语分班问卷. 为了提出安置建议,我们会考虑过去的学习情况, AP and SAT II scores, and a brief conversation with the student about their interests. 大多数一年级继续学习拉丁语的学生都选了这两门课 LATN 2203 Intermediate Latin for Reading or LATN 2206 The Roman Novel. 然而,拥有特别强大背景的学生可以报名参加 LATN 3306 The Roman Novel. Most first-year students who are continuing Greek enroll in GRK 1102 Elementary Greek II.


这是官方买球平台目录和学术手册的摘录. View the Catalogue